Pork Roast Recipe

I enjoy discovering dishes in the kitchen that, with four ingredients, transform into authentic culinary delights. This is the case with the meat recipe for today, roast pork, roast pork (Lechon Asado). Roast Pork is a traditional Cuban dish that, while time-consuming, is well worth the effort because the end result is exquisite pork that your family and friends will enjoy.

We prepare a pork roast with loin meat that will be ideal to eat both hot and cold in the purest form of the traditional roast beef. The sauce in which we cook and marinate the meat makes it juicy and flavorful. The fact that the meat is marinated for several days until it is fully flavor-impregnated is one of the secrets to the dish's success. I should also point out that the quality of the meat has a direct impact on the outcome. We'll have a show roast pork if we buy a good pork tenderloin.

I particularly like this meat in sandwiches, which is one way I consume it. I can guarantee that a well-made meat sandwich, such as a Cuban made at home with this roast meat, will be a true marvel.

How long should I cook roast pork for?

How to Prepare Cedro Asado

1. We mix the marinade in a bowl. We add olive oil, salt, freshly ground black pepper, marjoram, tarragon, parsley, and oregano along with orange and lemon juices. We combine well and hold. 

2. The liquid is then poured over the pork tenderloin in the container. Cross sections will be given to it, and it will macerate for 12 hours. This preparation can be done at night so that it is ready the following morning.

3. With the fat side facing up, place the pork loin in a suitable ovenproof dish. Distribute half of the mojo marinade over the meat, reserving the remaining portion. We put the whole garlic in the source and bake it for 30 minutes without using a fan with heat from above and below with the oven preheated to 220° C. 

4. After that, we cover the meat with the remaining mojo marinade that we had set aside and re-bake it. We allow it to cook for an additional 30-35 minutes at a lower temperature of 190o C.

5. We baked a piece that weighed one kilogram and a half, which required baking for a total of 60 minutes. Depending on the size of the piece, allow 35–40 minutes per kilo. Be careful because every oven is different and yours might require temperature adjustments. 

6. When the meat is prepared, we take it off the tray and wrap it in aluminum foil for about 30 minutes to let the juices settle and redistribute. 

7. We strain the roast's sauce and place it in a container to be served as a side dish.

8. We can eat this sizzling roast pork with some potatoes and leftover baking sauce. Additionally, keep some for sandwiches. Cut them on the thinner side if you plan to use them in a sandwich. I can assure you that this is a tasty bite in each of these scenarios.


  • 1.5 kg pork loin
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 tbsp oregano
  • 1 tsp Tarragon
  • 1 tsp marjoram
  • 2 tbsp Parsley
  • 1 orange orange zest
  • 100 ml orange juice
  • 100 ml Lemon Juice
  • 150 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper 

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